Hitachi 14V Chop Saw / Metal Cutting Circular Saw CD14DFL

Wouldnt it be a great idea to make a cordless chop saw for metal cutting? Hitachi thought so, and created theCD14DFL in Japan. This small, 12 cm (12 mm) 14 volt chopsaw is perfect for metal cutting. Great idea on its own, but wait theres more! This little chop saw detaches from its base and now youre left with a metal cutting circular saw.

This gives this little unit double duty with plenty of flexibility. You can use it as a metal circular saw and cut square tubing or conduit on the spot, or bring the materials to the saw and cut square cuts with exact precision on the chop saw stand. For precise cuts, the chop saw base has a built-in clamping system that can hold metal stock. The video below shows the saw being demonstrated on square tubing. This shows how practical the saw actually is and also shows us that its 14 volt motor is better suited for small stock.

You can find them in Japan in the Hitachi green, as well as in purple. Japanese power tool manufacturers produce power tools in a variety of colors to meet the needs of their customers. It is not known if the metal cutting circular saw/chop saw will be made it to the USA.